
SuperFlex™ LogoDesign flexible package options

by | 2 Aug, 2022

SuperFlex customisable logo design package - with business cards

SuperFlex™ Logo design introduction

SuperFlex™ Logo Design business branding package includes six design concepts, one set of amendments, 150 full colour business cards, logo delivered in print quality full colour JPG. This package starts at £895, with many customisable options (below) to suit your business marketing objectives.

Top Tips for a great logo design success. Each customer is different. Some know exactly what they want and others can’t quite decide! For success, it’s best to assign one person who will be responsible for managing and approving your new logo design. That person must be assertive and be able to confidently make the business case for their decision to their team. The alternative option, unfortunately, means your decision falls prey to the human nature of egoism. This results in your logo becoming less fit for purpose, and instead, it becomes a survival kit for boosting self-esteem within your business.

It’s important to remember that you are hiring a professional to design your logo, therefore an element of trust is required. Would you tell a plumber or electrician that you could do their job better? As long as your design brief is accurate, then your logo will be designed with your audience and your value offering in mind. 

The rest of this blog explains what is included as standard, and the customisation upgrades.

SuperFlex™ Logo Design options 

SuperFlex™ Logo Design amendments

SuperFlex™ Logo Design business branding package includes one set of amends as standard. For the reasons above, you can upgrade to two, three, four five sets of reasonable amendments within this package. If there are further amendments required, then this indicates that your design brief is not aligning with your company vision, and a vision workshop may be required. Extra amendments are available, however, these are chargeable, in advance, and the logo results won’t be guaranteed, because the professional recommended approach would have been adapted too much. 

Full Colour, laminated Business cards (included)

The standard package includes design, print and standard delivery of 150 full colour, laminated, double-sided business cards (with one set of client amends). This is also customisable, and you can upgrade to more cards and more names. They are lovely cards, now the pandemic is over, we can. network and I believe it is important to be proud of your business card!

SuperFlex™ Logo Design turnaround time 

The standard turnaround time for logo design is 15 working days because for full creativity and best results, logos are evolved and refined over a couple of weeks. So it’s best to plan ahead to get the best results. An Express ten working day turnaround is possible, but more stressful for me because it gives me less time to refine your logo. A Super Express five working day turnaround comes at a premium price because I’d have to rearrange other projects, which requires more juggling and less creative time. Therefore, this turnaround is not always possible and if this is the case, you will be offered a full refund, or offered 10 or 15 working days with a parital refund. So in fact the 15 working day standard turnaround, which is included in the standard package, is the best value.  

SuperFlex™ Logo Design output format options

There are many digital and print image file formats available. In this package, I include the most basic. If you require an additional image format, please contact me, and we can further customise your SuperFlex Logo Design package.  

In a nutshell, the logo formats in this branding package are: 

Standard 1 x JPG (CMYK colour) 300dpi

A JPG is a compressed image file which is good for sharing with others because it has a smaller file size. 300dpi means it good for printing. Printers prefer CMYK which means: Cyan Magenta Yellow and Black. Although printers these days have print servers that convert RGB to CMYK, in my experience, it’s always best to save the file to CMYK before sending to a printer. 

Add RBG PNG version with transparent background (+£35)

A PNG logo is really useful if you want a transparent background for your logo, so it can be placed on different backgrounds, without an annoying white boundary box. If you click, hold and drag The Brand Surgery logo on the top left of this website, you will see it has a transparent background. It’s also really useful for placing on social media templates. 

Add CMYK Vector EPS/SVG (+£75)

A vector logo means that you can scale your logo up to the size of the Eiffel Tower without it becoming pixelated. Why does it cost £75? I design all logos in Adobe Illustrator which is a vector programme, however, if you choose this option, you probably want to scale it up in size, which means I will spend 1-2 hours zooming right into your logo, to ultra tweak your logo to perfection. Any minor imperfections will look monumental when enlarged, and I like perfection. 

Add CMYK Vector EPS/SVG Spot Colour Vector (upto 3 spots) (+£99)

The spot colours we use are Pantone colours. At the time of writing this blog in 2022, there are 2161 pantone colours in total. Each colour comes in many shades. You may also have a metallic or florescent colour to make your branding really stand out. Now here comes the confusing bit. Unless you specify a spot colour, your logo will be printed out of cyan, magenta, yellow and black (CMYK). Printers make printing plates from your files, and each plate has 300 dots per inch (300dpi). If your logo was mainly blue, the cyan plate would have lots of dots on, and the yellow plate would hardly have any on. Some colours look awful when converted to CMYK, especially blues. So, some businesses will pay for special tins of ink made to their specific colour, just like the Dulux pots. Then find a printer that has print presses reserved for spot colours. Each time a printer finishes one printing project, the printing press will need to be spotless before putting another colour in. These days, spot printing is expensive compared to full-colour printing. Spot colours are also used if you wanted to have your logo foil blocked or embossed, or if you are getting promotional merchandise printed. Your logo will be tweaked for this to work. All this involves time, which is reflected in this logo format upgrade. 

Add black & white version (+£95)

Black and white logos are useful to have in your image library. They can be used to send to promotional merchandise companies or printing presses. Not that you see many black and white adverts anymore! If you wanted to have your logo printed in silver on a pen, or a T-shirt, the printer needs it in black to make a black plate. Then silver ink is poured into the printing duct, and everywhere that is black, is printed silver. Promotional merchandise companies sometimes use dye sublimation which is full colour, so check with them which preferred format they require. 

Mini Brand Guidelines (visual branding)

Brand guidelines are not included as a standard in this package. In our experience, businesses who require logo design only, want just that. Although to create consistency, resulting in trust in your brand, I cannot over-emphasise the importance of brand guidelines. Here you can start small. Check out BrandFit™ Guidelines, to see the full options. 

Logo use/misuse (2 pages) (+£99)

Have you ever seen squashed company logos? Or a logo design on a background that’s so fussy, that you can’t decipher the logo? Or a logo so small, that you can’t read the slogan? Well, that’s what ‘logo rules’ is for. it guides your team to respect your new logo and ensure it’s given enough space. Check out the NFSP brand guidelines in the video in the BrandFit™ guidelines product page.

Font size, font library (+£99)

Do all your company documents show different fonts in different sizes? Apart from being inclusive to visually impaired people, it’s important that your marketing communications show solidarity! This option includes us choosing a body font which will complement your logo design. The font will be sourced from especially selected font libraries, to avoid licensing issues later down the line. Your logo design font will also be sent to you, but please note, that the text within your logo design is often not the same as the font, because I make it bespoke to your brand. 

Colour palette (primary) (+£150) Up to 5 colours

Colour palettes are essential to ensure your marketing communications, including social media and printed documents, look aligned and from the same place, creating trust. I will decide accent colours that make your logo shine! There is nothing more soul-destroying than to see a colour-blind client plonk a beautiful logo onto an ugly colour or background. This option ensures your new logo looks finished. 

Colour palette (extended) (+£250) Up to 10 colours

Extended colour palettes are great if your team designs lots of client presentations and social media posts. It creates an interesting look while keeping your team on track and avoiding an ugly mess. Please see the NFSP brand guidelines video on the SuperFlex™ Logo Design package product page.