
Swimming with webbed-feat

by | 26 Jun, 2008

Summer fun for Swimbabies

The Brand Surgery have designed and developed www.swimbabies.com which is a database website. This website minimises the administration work for our client by allowing parents to book courses online – and it automatically prints certificates when the babies have passed their courses.

Putting newborn babies into the water has been happening for centuries, especially in tropical areas where the water is warm. This is possible because babies have natural reflexes that enable them to hold their breath under water.

Slowly the word has spread and in recent years baby swimming has become very popular and trendy. Now special classes are available in which the submersion techniques used mean that babies can continue to enjoy the natural affinity they have with water. After all, they have been floating in amniotic fluid in the womb for 9 months!

Swimbabies courses range from:

• Swimtots
• Pre-School Programme
• Nervous Non-Swimmers
• Disability/Special Needs
• Private and Schools
• Adults

Visit www.swimbabies.com for contact details and further information. Don’t forget to visit the gallery – it’s so cute!