
Are you one of the 57% of businesses needing to change their marketing message and review their offering in the NEW NORMAL? ENROL TO DOWNLOAD OUR FREE MINI-MARKETING COURSE TODAY. LIMITED TIME. 

The British Chambers of Commerce research reveals that 57% of businesses have three months cash in reserve or less, 6 per cent of respondents have already run out of cash. What does this mean for your business? Are you and/or your clients affected? 

We have received lots of questions from our clients …

  • What do we need to change in the New Normal?
  • How do we speak to our customers at a sensitive time?
  • Why is adapting so important to continued success?
  • How do we stand out from competitors?

Adapting your marketing message and nurturing relationships are the biggest concerns in the short, medium and long term. Now it’s more important NOT to second-guess what your customers are thinking. Their motivation and buying behaviour is sure to change, but how?

    To help businesses adapt for the New Normal, we’ve developed a FREE four-part interactive mini-marketing course, starting with 5 KEY QUESTIONS to ask you customers at this critical time.

    ENROL TODAY to download PART 1.

    PART 1
    Customer insights - 5 key questions


    What is your message in the NEW NORMAL? Ask your customers these 5 KEY QUESTIONS to unlock instant results.
    PART 2
    PART 2: Polish your marketing plan


    Use the insights from PART 1 to create a focused marketing plan to help you stand out against your competitors and grow your brand.
    PART 3


    Learn how to use insights from Part 1 to boost your website search engine rankings and social media presence.
    PART 4


    Combine  all the insights you’ve gained! Learn how to create an engaging, relevant online marketing tool for your business.

    We have received lots of questions from our clients …

    • What do we need to change in the New Normal?
    • How do we speak to our customers at a sensitive time?
    • Why is adapting so important to continued success?
    • How do we stand out from competitors?

    Adapting your marketing message message and nurturing relationships are the biggest concerns in the short, medium and long term. Now it’s more important NOT to second-guess what your customers are thinking. Their motivation and buying behaviour is sure to change, but how?

    To help businesses adapt for the New Normal, we’ve developed a FREE four-part interactive mini-marketing course, starting with 5 KEY QUESTIONS to ask you customers at this critical time.

    • In Part 1, we reveal the 5 key questions (and supplementary questions) to ask your customers. These questions will bring immediate results by enabling you to nurture customer relationships and learn the language being used when talking to your next customer. You’ll also learn your customers’ motivation and behaviour in the ‘new normal’ by asking these questions.
    • In PART 2, we’ll use the insights gained to polish your marketing plan ready to boost your online and offline presence. Simply follow a proven step-by-step process to strengthen your existing relationships, reach out to more customers by adapting your offering, if necessary.
    • In PART 3, we’ll begin implementing your marketing plan by using the insights gained in PART 1, to improve engagement on social media and your website. We’ll explore the best tone and brand voice to use.
    • In PART 4, we’ll have use the insights and language to put together an engaging, shareable marketing document for your business.
    • The four-part mini-marketing course will be accompanied by extra training videos delivered to your inbox.
    • There’ll also be opportunities to network and take part in regular Zoom meetings to share findings with like-minded businesses.
    • We have also created a closed Facebook Group where all attendees can share ideas which will be revealed once you register.

    This course will be delivered by infographic documents, video and zoom.  

    Throughout this course, we will be enabling you to transform powerful insights into marketing wisdom. Let’s make the normal, great! What are you waiting for?

    Course content

    • This course will help you adapt your message, polish your marketing plan, boost your online presence and learn to create relevant marketing material going forward.
    • If you don’t capture your customers’ attention in the first few seconds, you’ve lost them!
    • We need to be ultra-sensitive but still need to do business. How can you do both?
    • We’ll help you use ‘new normal’ language, convert leads and grow your business.
    • Most importantly, our four-part course takes the guesswork out of revising your marketing plan in a series of ‘easy-to-implement’ pointers.

    Why are we offering this mini-marketing course for free? 

    There’s no catch. To put your mind at rest, this course is designed by Vicky Vaughan, who is an experienced Marketing Coach, a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing and an Associate Lecturer of Marketing and Digital Marketing.

    It is free because Corporate Social Responsibility runs through our DNA. We are donating this mini-marketing course because it’s our way of helping the small businesses and consultants back to their feet after a difficult time. We understand that finance may be a barrier to education, being educated in the basics of marketing is essential. All that we ask is that business owners help us to share this course so more can take part.

    There will be opportunities to upgrade to a Continuous Professional Development (CPD) accredited course. Details to follow. If participants want extra marketing coaching, please contact Vicky Vaughan using the contact form below.