Mobile friendly and responsive website conversions by The Brand Surgery

If you need to convert your website to responsive, give us a call today on 01903 824229.

Website searches via smartphone and tablet have now beaten desktop searches. Recently, Google has changed its algorithms and boosts the rankings of mobile friendly websites, which are also called responsive websites.

How do your customers search for information?

The answer is, it depends on where they are! Smartphones are the most common platform for initial website searches, but people tend to use bigger screens for more detailed information after the initial search. Therefore if your website does not perform well in a mobile search, then your business may not get past Go. How much business could you lose through this?

To ensure your website is found on a mobile device, then it needs to be mobile-friendly.

We spend on average 4.4 hours of leisure time per day per day (90%) looking at our screens! Compared with 10% looking at newspapers/magazines and radio. Our time is split looking between mobile, tablet and desktop. So where are your customers looking?

If you want your business to be found online, you must have an understanding of the marketing basics such as customer buying behaviour and motivation.

  • • How much time does your customer have?
  • • What is the goal your customer wishes to achieve?
  • • Where is your customer?
  • • What is the attitude and state-of-mind of your customer?

To make your website and e-newsletter mobile friendly, contact us for a quote. To test is your website is mobile friendly, please visit https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/mobile-friendly/

If it is not mobile friendly, give us a call today on 01903 824229
or email vicky@thebrandsurgery.co.uk and we will
be pleased to give you a quote to make it mobile-friendly.