As you may know, Vicky Vaughan, managing director of The Brand Surgery is in the middle of studying towards a Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) “Professional Diploma in Marketing”.
Fantastic news! Vicky has passed her first unit which means she is quarter of the way to becoming a Chartered Marketer.
The unit brief (Managing Marketing) was to introduce a performance measurement standard into a non-profit organisation. Vicky had to research the full range of performance measurement standards including ISO 9001, Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma, Total Quality Management (TQM) and The Balanced Scorecard (BSC).
With the research done, Vicky matched her case study’s organisational objectives with the most appropriate performance measurement standard which in this case turned out to be The Balanced Scorecard.
The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is becoming more popular as a performance measurement standard, although originally it was designed as a strategic planning tool by Kaplin and Norton in the early 90s. It is a fantastic tool because it looks at four perspectives of your business, instead of focusing too much on one perspective at the expense of another. For example, without the BSC you may be so focused on improving your bottom line that you forget about your customer care KPIs.
You can’t do that with BSC: The four perspectives are Finance, Internal Processes and systems, Training and Customers/Stakeholders. And when this system is used, all the departments within an organisation will have a positive cause-and-effect relationship upon each other.
Introducing a performance measurement standard (PMS) into your company will give you a huge competitive advantage, as when you tender for projects, you can list the accreditations. Also, performance measurement standards systemise your company and help to make it ‘lean’ and help you to prioritise your corporate objectives.
The Brand Surgery are planning on introducing The Balanced Scorecard once Vicky has completed the whole course. She has just submitted the second unit which is The Marketing Planning Process. The third unit which she has started is Developing Customer Value through Marketing and Vicky is studying product and brand management for this. The final assignment is Project Management in Marketing which starts in December where one lucky organisation who entered the prize draw has won a free report (they will be the case study). Then Vicky will be a Chartered Marketer next year.
What other branding agency in Sussex has in-house Chartered Marketeer expertise? When we design responsive websites, we have the strategic marketing knowledge which will keep you one step ahead of your competitors.
Call Vicky on 01903 824229 if you would like to discuss your marketing needs, whether you need a marketing plan or are thinking of introducing a performance measurement standard.