My WaterMelon Epiphany

My watermelon epiphany: How these watermelons inspired me to add pricing to The Brand Surgery’s website

I recently walked past this impressive display of juicy melons and tempting fresh fruit on the way to the art gallery where I sell my digital illustration art. The watermelons were saying ‘buy me’, except there was no price ticket displayed. So I went to enquire and was advised that a small piece of melon cost £8. Hmmm. OK. Maybe not.

My purchase decision was affected by a range of emotions: The melons look delicious, but a seed of doubt grew in my mind. Had the retailer invented his price just for me? How would I ever know for sure? This was the epiphany moment. If the lack of price labels raised suspicion in me, how are potential customers feeling if they have to ask The Brand Surgery for pricing? I was brought up believing that if you have to ask, you can’t afford it. Possibly this isn’t just me?

My curiosity, one of my core values, got the better of me. So I decided to research this idea some more and noticed that the lack of pricing on websites seemed to be commonplace in the creative sector.

The big question …

The big question was: Is this my opportunity to be different and lead the way in transparent pricing? Or was publishing my prices and pricing strategy going to be business suicide?

If anything, testing a transparent pricing strategy would align with my values, plus it would make a great CPD statement as part of my Chartered Marketer marketing.

I decided to be different and at the same time, I combined the branding package pricing with creating five exciting new branding packages including our most popular Brand Revitaliser and SuperFlex Logo Design package.

Now, customers can see the basic branding package price, and the elements which push the price up. I thought about all the questions and queries received I had received over the years. Although I had always been transparent when publishing branding package inclusions and exclusions, in branding proposals, exclusions normally cause annoyance, a bit like insurance exclusions! So now customers can see in advance everything and make an informed decision before contacting me.

I’ve been asked if displaying pricing puts people off? Nope. Instead, it’s saved me time and energy by avoiding phone calls from those who don’t understand branding.  Instead, I’ve received calls from serious business owners who understand that the branding packages I offer represent incredible value.

You can see the branding packages, with clear pricing, for yourself by following this link. Or use the chat facility to schedule a chat at at your convenience.